NGP Technologies. A New Generation of Plastics.

NGP is a groundbreaking new technology that turns a wide range of traditional plastics biodegradable and compostable. This can be achieved with no change to the production process and minimum additional costs and allows you to preserve your proction infrastructure while meeting ecological requirements.

No To Microplastics

Compostable and Degradable Biotechnology solutions

An innovative approach to decomposing plastics without a trace—not even microplastics.

Did You Know That:

1 Week

Equal to the weight of one credit card.

One Credit Card
5 Grams

1 Year

Equal to the weight of a dinner plate.

A Dinner Plate
250 Grams


Equal to the weight of two large recycling bins!

Two Large Of Recycling Bins
18.000 Grams

Problem: Plastics
Impacts In Daily Life

Plastics have inextricable impact on modern humanlife.
It is difficult to imagine our current lives without the presence of plastics.
No better substitute found yet.
No technical and economic solution to fully degrade and compost conventional plastics after service life yet.
Most plastic alternatives are not economically competitive (or even viable), and don’t even deliver all ecological expectations.

Long Lifetime

Current variations of plastics degrade very slowly. The exponential growth of their use has led to significant built-up of plastic waste in the environment.
Emerging environmentally friendly alternatives often fall short of delivering ecological requirements and are also far from being economically viable.

Environmental Damage

Plastic is a major evironmental toxic pollutant of our time. Plastic pollution can alter habitats and natural processes, reducing ecosystems' ability to adapt to climate change, directly affecting millions of people's livelihoods, food production capabilities and social well-being.

Industrial Dependency

Nonetheless, plastics have broad industrial applications. Their low cost and fast infrastructure built-up gives plastic industry a great momentum and inextricably bound to industrial developments.

Impact on greenhouse gas emissions

NGP-based plastics can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 60% compared to conventional plastic production.

Plastics Degradation Mechanisms

NGP is our contribution to reconciling the practical and economic advantages of the plastics industry with high ecological standards.

NGP-based plastics

Why NGP-based plastics?

NGP-based Plastics offers a future without plastic waste pollution without a trace of microplastic particles and remnants.

Compostable under appropriate conditions.

Provides an eco-friendly solution for degradation in water and under soil with/without presence of UV-light.

Does not release harmful products upon decomposing.

No additional water demand.

It is completely broken down by bacteria into CO2 and H2O and biomass, without any trace of micro-plastics.

Obtained cost-effective with a low price compared to bioplastics or other bio-based plastics.

NGP-Based Plastics
How Does It Work?

NGP Solution
Producing an Effective Solution

NGP Solution-Production

Technical Advantages

Customized NGP additive compositions are mixed with their respective base-polymer at the manufacturing stage, WITHOUT the need for additional technology infrastructure.

The resulting polymer composition is processed and then converted into final products.

The final product (base polymer+NGP) delivers original characteristics throughout its customized, intended service life.

Degradability and composability qualities can be controlled through NGP formulation so it will not be triggered in warehouses or store shelves and throughout the intended service life of the plastic

After service life, before exposure to degradation and composting triggers, products can also be recycled.

NGP-based plastics finally disintegrates to CO2, water and biomass.

NGP based plastics fully decompose over a period of 6 months to 5 years, depending on the intended application and the corresponding customized formula.

NGP doesn’t affect the final product’s transparency, color and printability.

Competitive Advantages

The New Generation of Plastics consists of additives that are bio-based and food grade, without any environmental or health hazards.

The additive compositions can be mixed directly by end users without additional process or infrastructure costs.

Final end user products will maintain all original characteristics but nevertheless will be degradable/compostable through environmental triggers such as water, soil bacteria and UV-light.


World Intellectual Property Organization

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